“I am a Quantum Engineer, but on Sundays I have principles” — John Bell, as related Nicholas Gisin in quant-ph/0104140 Ahead of his time not just on the implications of quantum theory, but also on the moral of life in … Continue reading →
Quantum computers could become more useful now researchers at Google have designed an algorithm that can translate complex physical problems into the language of quantum physics
Let be a non-empty finite set. If is a random variable taking values in , the Shannon entropy of is defined as There is a nice variational formula that lets one compute logs of sums of exponentials in terms of this entropy: Lemma 1 (Gibbs variational formula) Let be a function. Then Proof: Note that […]
Last month I recorded a podcast with Curt Jaimungal for his Theories of Everything site, and it’s now available with audio here, on Youtube here. There are quite a few other programs on the site well worth watching. Much of … Continue reading →